GRI’s greyhound injury stats do not include all injured greyhounds

20 May

GRI's greyhound injury stats do not include all injured greyhounds copy

Greyhound Racing Ireland statistics for the number of greyhounds injured at races only include some of the greyhounds who suffered injuries, it has emerged.

The revelation follows a 30 April 2024 Dail Question from Paul Murphy TD who asked Agriculture Minister Charlie McConalogue “if the supplied GRI statistics for greyhound injuries at tracks relate only to injured greyhounds that were treated/euthanised by track vets; and how many additional greyhounds sustained injuries of any type at tracks and were taken away to be treated elsewhere throughout 2023 and to-date in 2024”.

Minister McConalogue, who has approved millions of euros in state funding to greyhound racing, did not provide the details, instead referring it to Greyhound Racing Ireland.

In a direct reply to Deputy Murphy, GRI admitted that their sickening injury stats only cover greyhounds “seen” to have been injured at tracks and do not include greyhounds who were injured but taken away and not presented to the track vet. Also not included are greyhounds who sustained what they term “minor injuries”.

“All racing at GRI tracks are observed by track veterinary surgeons, racing control stewards, racing managers and track stewards,” outlined the reply sent on behalf of GRI CEO Tim Lucey. “Any greyhound SEEN to having sustained an injury is referred to the track veterinary surgeon who completes an injury report form (other than for minor injuries such as abrasions) for submission to GRI. The track veterinary surgeon administers immediate first aid to allow the greyhound to be transported to a veterinary clinic. GRI does not have any records of injured greyhounds that may not have been presented to the track veterinary surgeon or independently treated post an event.”

GRI ommitted to mention that in addition to vets treating injured greyhounds, they also “euthanise” (kill) them.

The injury and death stats previously presented by GRI show that 3,307 greyhounds were injured and 1,194 were killed in racing at Irish tracks since 2014. This includes 257 injured and 134 killed at races in 2023.

Thousands more are killed behind the scenes each year, as exposed on RTE Television’s award-winning “Greyhounds Running For Their Lives” documentary. The programme revealed that around 6,000 dogs are killed annually simply because they are not fast enough to win races. It included horrifying scenes of dogs being delivered to knackeries to be shot in the head. One shot dog was seen writhing on the ground in agony as his merciless owner drove away

A damning report which Greyhound Racing Ireland attempted to hide, estimated that, for example, a total of 17,962 greyhounds were culled in 2013, 2014 and 2015. They were killed for “failure to produce qualifying times”, “failure to produce desired entry level times” and for an “unacceptable decline in performance”.

How many more dogs have to suffer and die before the Irish Government stops the massive grants that are keeping greyhound racing afloat? A RED C opinion poll commissioned by the Irish Council Against Blood Sports and Greyhound Action Ireland confirmed that a two-thirds majority want the funding stopped (with just 16% in favour of it continuing), while petitions urging the government to end the funding have more than 400,000 signatures.

Greyhound injuries and deaths at Irish greyhound tracks


Don’t go greyhound racing. Please join us in urging the government to STOP the massive grants that are propping up this cruel, dog-killing gambling activity. Since 2001, Greyhound Racing Ireland has received €347 million in funding, including €17.6 million for 2022, €18.2 million for 2023 and €19 million for 2024. This is unacceptable and must be stopped.

Tell the leaders of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael, the Green Party and Sinn Fein to stop supporting this funding.

Micheál Martin TD
Leader, Fianna Fail
Phone: 021-432 0088
Leinster House: 01–618 3000

Simon Harris TD
Leader, Fine Gael
Telephone: +353 (0)1 618 3805 or +353 (0)1 889 2442

Eamon Ryan TD
Leader, Green Party
Tel: 01 618 3894

Mary Lou McDonald TD
Leader, Sinn Fein
Tel: (01) 727 7102

Please sign and share the petitions

Irish Government: Stop Giving Millions of Euro to Cruel Greyhound Racing

Stop supporting the cruel greyhound “industry”

GAA: Stop club fundraisers at greyhound tracks

Tell Gain Pet Nutrition to Stop Sponsoring Greyhound Racing

Watch RTE’s award-winning “Greyhounds Running For Their Lives” documentary

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