Dail Q&A: Trapping and killing squirrels at Botanic Gardens

23 May

Thanks to Paul Murphy TD for asking the following Dail Question in relation to the use of A18 traps to kill squirrels at the Botanic Gardens in Dublin…

Dail Question 53 – Reference 21976/24
For Written Answer on : 15/05/2024

Paul Murphy TD (Solidarity/People Before Profit, Dublin South West): To ask the Minister for Housing; Local Government and Heritage the outcome of a NPWS investigation into the legality or otherwise of squirrel traps that were used at the Botanic Gardens in Dublin earlier this year. (Details Supplied) The A18 trap is not a type of trap that is approved under the Wildlife Act (Approved Traps, Snares and Nets) Regulations 2003.


Malcolm Noonan (Green Party, Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage): I understand that the National Parks and Wildlife Service of my Department are investigating the alleged use of squirrel traps at the Botanic Gardens in Dublin.

The grey squirrel is an invasive alien species which was first brought into Ireland in 1911. It quickly established itself in the midlands and went on to expand across the entire eastern half of the country. This in turn led to the decline of the native red squirrel from much of the east of Ireland. The grey squirrel can cause significant damage to broadleaved trees as well as predating birds eggs and chicks. The species is listed on the EU Invasive Alien Species Regulations and Ireland is required to manage the population.

As the matter is still under investigation I will not be in a position to comment further at this time.

Botanic Gardens remove ‘horrifically cruel’ squirrel traps following objections https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/botanic-gardens-removes-squirrel-traps-32170588

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